Altyc – WMS Implementation Services, Körber™ Master Distributor and Support Center for Europe

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Momentum is building in the warehouse. It is one of the few places in a business where return on investment can actually be calculated by using metrics such as reduced shipping errors, improved efficiency, lower compliance issues, increased labor utilization and reduced stock waste.

So, if the argument for automating your warehouse is so compelling, where do you start? Economic conditions dictate caution. Smart money would suggest that you invest in a product that can start small and allow you to grow the solution along with your business.

Altyc Inc. is offering its customers three editions of Körber™ WMS, which address the needs of all warehouse operations size and complexity.


worker w boxes

  • Collect Edition – aimed at the company looking to extend their paper processes to the wireless world
  • Manage Edition – built for the organization that is looking for a limited amount of system direction but plans for growth
  • Fulfill Edition – designed for the more sophisticated user that needs more control, automation and flexibility in their warehouse
